Thursday, December 22, 2011

Advice For Training A Happy And Healthy Dog

This is your first dog and you are concerned with not only training your dog, but getting the theories behind different methods and why they are used. This is important to understanding your dog and how it responds to training. This article will provide specific tips and tricks and give you the overall basics on dog training.




Wait 10 to 15 minutes after a puppy eats or drinks before you take them out to go potty. Usually, a puppy has to go in a very short time after eating and drinking. To help minimize accidents in between the time you take them outside, remember that puppies do not require a full bowl of water. If you control how much you give them, then you will be in control of training them when they need to relieve themselves.

Start training your dog early. Many people believe that very young puppies are too young to learn. The reality is that even puppies as young as six weeks old are able to begin the basics of training, and starting early ensures that your puppy will have a strong foundation for more advanced training later.

Young puppies can be quickly potty trained by keeping them with you all the time and carefully observing their actions. When very young they might need to be taken outside as frequently as every hour! By carefully watching them you'll quickly learn how they act when they need to relieve themselves.

To help train your puppy not to chew on household items and furniture, you should make sure that your puppy is always occupied with an acceptable activity. Just like small children, puppies are always wanting to experience new adventures. If you don't provide an activity, they will find one, and you probably won't like the one they pick.

Try behavioral training with your puppy before the age of one. You may not have much luck training some puppies beyond potty training if you start too early, but training an older puppy can prevent some behaviors before they start. If your puppy is distracted and thinks you are simply playing, waiting another few weeks to try training again.

Puppies tend to nip as a way of communicating, and this should be curbed. It is normally a signal that they want to play. If you observe a puppy with his litter mates, this is the way that they interact with each other. When your puppy nips you, say 'no' firmly, and immediately give him a toy to play with.

Don't force your dog to go into his crate. Instead, profusely praise him when he enters his crate on his own. Young puppies, in particular, might be somewhat afraid of the crate when it is first introduced. If you force them to enter it their fear might turn into terror. Their natural curiosity will eventually override their fear.

In conclusion, it is important to know the basic theories and methods used to train your dog. This will give you a better overall view of why you must train in certain ways, and why your dog will react as it does. After getting basic understanding, you should be able to train your dog successfully.

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