Thursday, December 22, 2011

When is the best time to conceive a baby?

Even though there are millions of women who seem to get pregnant simply by looking at their mate, you can also find numerous women who find it very difficult. The window of time when a woman is actually able to conceive a child is basically very small. The key to good results is to understand precisely how your cycle works and make use of that knowledge to your advantage.


If you are attempting to pin down the optimum time to conceive a baby, you need to understand your cycle. Most women have a 28-day cycle. some other women have a 32-day cycle. Your cycle is measured from the first day of your menstrual period to the first day of the following menstrual period. You should track this for at least six months so you know exactly how long your cycle is on average.
It is completely normal for your cycle length to vary slightly from month to month. However, if you track your cycle for about six months and with a bit of math, it will be much simpler to figure out the best time for you to conceive a baby. After you have several month tracked, you should subtract eighteen days from your shortest cycle and 11 days from your longest cycle. This will give your the first and last days of the most fertile time of your cycle. For example, in a typical 28-day cycle the days which are most fertile are days 10 through 18.


Another method of figuring fertile days is to calculate 14 days before the start of your next period. Again, you'll need to track your period for some time so you know when to expect your period each month, on average. When you know approximately when you will ovulate, you can plan to have sexual intercourse 72 hours before and three days after the estimated day of ovulation. This assures that when an egg is released, sperm will be there waiting to meet it.
Along with monitoring your basal body temperature, it's also advisable to pay attention to changes in your cervical mucous. The best time to conceive is when your cervical mucous is clear and stretchy. This creates an easier path for the sperm to reach the egg. Some couple also like to use ovulation predictors that can be purchased at any drug store. Using these in combination with monitoring the changes in your body will greatly increase your chances of conceiving a child.

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